Sunday, February 4, 2007

Dance 4 America

- Press Release -
Dance 4 America, created February 2, 2007 by Mr. Roger M. Christian

( According to Dance 4 America Editor, Mr Roger M. Christian, February 4, 2007 ) " The continuing standard for this OnLine publication is the promotion of the art form of dance. This means in its fullness of diversity, and the need for those of " US " to perform; the object of which is no one's buisness except that of the performers alone and those who support US.

The OnLine publication standard is to seek excellence only within the sociocultural domain of InterCultural Communications. Thus every press release properly email, along with at least one public domain photo, will be likewise supported and published within the Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Dance Communications OnLine Network, which WWW dot Dance4America dot Com is it's premier Online publication. No one will be refused as long the choreography is never hateful, nor in any manner what - so - ever seeks to demean another peoples or customs.

If asked " ONLY " a review of the performance will be conducted. News here - with - in this and any other Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Dance Communications OnLine Network are derieved from publically issued press releases and associated news which is current on the Internet, and in various physical hard copy dance magazines.

The intent is to promote, and the only limitations are the mechanics of producing these sites, diversities in dancing. Everything else is its further stance is to promote the advocay of free and open expression. Thus the theme of the title is understood as Dance 4 America."

Dance 4 America has been forecasted in being published since April of 2006. The first step was the development of the Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC Online Intercultural Communications Network. This first effort was needed in order to develop a pool of volunteers on an International scale using and then promoting the maximum use of the Internet as the primary means of joint communication; the intent was to be Internet focused and thereby creating new user habits.

Those habits, the means by which other were added to the growing pool of individual who are participating and promoting the growth of this network is cultrual democracy. It is the essence of that focus, cultural democracy which gave the network its viable fore seen portential as initially observed by his corps of volunteers.

One, Rebbeca Katzenstein went into her own direction and created The Fashions Bitch, and similarly others, though wanting no additional attention, are likewise investing themselves in the on - going participation in generating more content on the Internet of interests to themselves, at first alone; and sufddenly finding themselves creating their own Internet groups; and for some quite by surprise too!

All and all, the venture has realized some additional benefits by those in and around the region of Ithaca / Tompkins county of Central New York and Washington DC. He is recognized by those who he have never met before. His image has been since August 2006 a growing Internet presence, as accoding to Alexa Internet ranking and Internet tracking services, and now is the addtional attentions of many in Europe and Asian alike. He took the additional step to have a good photo of himself included in his leading sites.

Dance 4 America is the final step in the 2 year plan effort to track both the culture and information disbursements of dance; this objective is within two weeks of its conclusion of being finished. His second effort is the area of International and National InterCultural Communications Online Internet Networking, and this is this Vietnam Veteran a means to promote Preventive Conflict Cultural Programing. This is a four year planned effort which will achieve its initial aim set for August, 2007.

With the Dance 4 America, the vision in which Mr. Roger M. Christian has undertaken, especially with it's high visability, is proof certain that his other aim will likewise be finished-accomblished.


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